Service for your bike
Am „Checkpoint Charlie“ / Anhalter Bahnhof in Berlin
Anhalter Str. 11/ 10963 Berlin
Bicycle Service from Rent A Bike
Welcome to the bicycle repair service of RentABike Berlin. Experienced bicycle mechanics repair your bike quickly, professionally and inexpensively. Our fleet includes well over 300 different rental bikes, which we constantly maintain and upgrade. This is exactly why we count ourselves among the most experienced bicycle mechanics in Berlin. We repair all types of bikes such as city bikes, mountain bikes, e-bikes or tandems. Do you need a professional repair of bicycle trailers or trailers? No problem, we are happy to take care of that too. Take advantage of our friendly service – use the bicycle repair of RentABike Berlin!
Bike Wheel Repair
We understand that your bicycle is more than a simple means of transport. For many of our valued customers, a bicycle is often vital. Even if a flat tyre is no big deal, the entire bike is still rendered useless for a short time.
We understand! For this reason, we repair defective bicycle tyres and inner tubes not only quickly and competently, but also in such a way that future defects occur much less frequently or never again. For example, we can install unflat tyres, such as those made by Schwalbe, on request. So you can confidently forget about tiresome repairs in the future. Take advantage of our offer, we are here for you!

Full Check (Inspection)
Berlin is a unique city. Party legacies, construction sites or adventurous cycle paths quickly leave traces on your bike. This makes it all the more important to cyclically check the means of transport of your choice for damage.
Broken bearings, frames or steering elements are not only very annoying, but can also quickly become life-threatening in road traffic. Maintenance of your bicycle can also save up to 30% effort if chains and bearings are well oiled and the brakes are really optimally adjusted. This way you will not only ride comfortably and quickly, but also safely. Take advantage of our bicycle inspection service. We ensure reliability!
Für diese drei Bestandteile Ihres Fahrrads haben wir einen eigenen Service entwickelt. Denn hierbei handelt es sich nicht nur um die Verscheißanfälligsten Teile Ihres Fahrrades, sondern auch um die mit einem sehr hohen Einfluss auf die Gesamtsicherheit.
Eine gute Fahrradwerkstatt, wie unsere greift auf Jahrzehntelange Erfahrungswerte zurück und justiert diese wichtigen Teile wirklich optimal. Dies kann schwere defekte und deren Folgen wie Stürze verhindern und gibt ihnen jederzeit ein sicheres Gefühl um Umgang mit Ihrem Fahrrad. Nutzen Sie unsere ausgezeichnete Fahrradreparatur in Berlin!